The Importance Of Having a Social Media Strategy

by | Feb 27, 2021 | Uncategorized

Boost Your SEO

When you are active on social media, your boost your search engine rankings. Google will often look at a business’ presence on social media when ranking SERPs. When it comes to SEO rankings, social media is constantly moving up the priority ladder.

Let’s take Starbucks, for instance. If you Google Starbucks, the first two things to pop in the search engine after their website is their Twitter and Facebook pages.

You must also consider your followers. However, you don’t want to go out and buy followers, as Google notices the differences between followers who are actively engaged and those who are not.


Funnel Your Traffic

Social media can drive traffic to your website like nothing else. If you think you can get 100% of your visitors from search engines exclusively, you’re living in the land of fantasy. Social media marketing in Phoenix is crucial for creating inbound traffic.

Every major social platform gives you a small space to put your website URL, which is perfect for those who find your page and want to learn a bit more about your brand or business.

Increase Conversions

We don’t call it social media marketing for fun.

With social media, you can increase your conversions. Each and every time you post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you are creating an opportunity for conversions.

Grab their attention by teasing a new and interesting blog post from your website to drive them there. Once they’re on your site, they’ll likely see what else you have going on.

The more you have available on your website, the longer they will hang around, and the more likely they will purchase something.

Of course, you’re not going to convert with every single post and that’s fine.

Bottom Line

Beyond that, social media is a great place to start if you want to increase brand awareness and gain insights into your customers with unique data sets.

We understand that creating a social media strategy may seem overwhelming and time-consuming, which is why we’re ready to give you a hand if you need it.

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