The 8 Major Reasons You Should Be Running A PPC Campaign

by | Jun 1, 2022 | Uncategorized

PPC Delivers Easily Measurable Results

The beauty of PPC is that it delivers immediate feedback about how well an ad is working. Each PPC ad can get its own dedicated landing page, allowing you to track which of your ads are converting visitors or attracting them in the first place. 

PPC Enhances Organic SEO

Did you know that 93% of website traffic comes from Google’s first page of searches? With PPC advertising, you can give your business that added push to get it on the first page.

PPC Provides Total Flexibility

With PPC advertising, you have the ability to turn on a dime, making changes to your ads whenever you please. Adjust elements such as your call-to-action or your keywords as much as you need. You can even try out A/B testing with a few different ad headlines to determine which one works best. 

PPC Gets Results

Time and time again, PPC delivers returns. About 65% of the time, people who are ready to make a purchase will click on PPC ads. According to PowerTraffick, businesses that spend money on Google Adwords make about $3 in revenue for every $1.60 spent. 

PPC Is Cost-Effective

You have the ability to set the price that you want to pay per click, allowing you to change your budget and track your spending whenever necessary. The last thing you should have to worry about is getting hit with an unexpected bill or going over budget.

PPC Tailors To Seasonal Trends

With the amount of flexibility PPC delivers, you can set the days and hours that people see your ads, as well as how much you’re spending on those particular ads. If you have seasonal products, for example, you might consider spending more during the holiday season when people are purchasing your kinds of products. 

Maximize Your ROI

Pay-per-click advertising is so much easier to track compared to traditional marketing techniques. With PPC, you can ensure that your ads are only seen by consumers who are active in their search for your types of products and services.  Throughout this process, you can determine which keywords are working and which aren’t, constantly making the right adjustments to maximize your ROI.

Completely Data-Driven

PPC is entirely driven by data, leaving you without any mystery surrounding your ROI. This characteristic is what separates it from many other forms of marketing, such as making prints in a local newspaper.  With PPC, you can easily find information regarding how much each lead costs. 

Final Thoughts


If you’re looking to achieve monumental results and stay ahead of the curve, get in touch with us today at Gold Level Marketing so we can help you unlock your PPC capabilities.

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