How Do Businesses Rank In Local Searches?

by | Sep 8, 2021 | Uncategorized

How It Works

A search engine like Google will use a number of factors to put local businesses into a ranking. Some of the main factors that a search engine like Google uses include:
  • Link Signals
  • Google My Business
  • On-Page Signals
  • Reviews
  • Citation Signals
Search engines know when other websites have a link to your website, which is known as a backlink. Having more high-quality backlinks lets Google know that your business and website are trustworthy.

The backlinks that link your business out must be relevant, local, and authoritative to be considered high-quality.

1. Google My Business

If you haven’t already claimed, verified, and optimized your account on Google My Business, you should do so now, as it is the biggest factor when it comes to ranking in local searches. Whenever a potential customer searches for a business, Google will use the info present on Google My Business to decide whether or not your business is the right choice for that particular search.

2. On-Page Signals

On-page signals are those that come from your website. A search engine will look for page titles with relevant keywords, your domain authority, and NAPU (name, address, phone #, URL).

It is important that you don’t miss the opportunity to optimize your business listing.

3. Reviews

A potential customer wants to see your star ratings and reviews, just as a search engine does. If you have plenty of positive reviews coming in, your local search ranking will likely improve.

Plus, if you have good reviews, potential customers will be more likely to click on your business to learn more.

4. Citation Signals

A citation is a mention of your business on another website, such as a directory. Having high-quality citations can help you rank much higher on a local search.

Build positive relationships throughout the community and spread the word about your business to increase your citations.

Bottom Line

When it comes down to it, you will need to work on every single one of these factors if you want to rank high on local searches.

To learn more about ranking techniques and receive weekly digital marketing tips, make sure to sign up for our subscription newsletter at Gold Level Marketing by filling out your information in the box above.

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