Top 3 Must-Know SEO Components In 2021

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Uncategorized

SEO Marketers Must Be Quick

SEO agencies had to quickly adapt to the changing landscape this past year. Local searches have never been more prominent than they are right now. When social lockdowns came around and forced many local businesses to shut down, business owners had to find different ways to get creative and stay relevant in the community. Many introduced things like deliveries, pick-ups, and virtual connectivity.

The ability to keep consumers informed of opening, closings, and new protocols made a large difference for many. With MyBusiness from Google, business owners have been able to keep lines of communication open with their customers. Some of the tags people can add on their businesses include:

Call Buttons
Online Appointments
Online Operating Hours

Businesses that were agile and could adapt quickly to the changing importance of local SEO were able to leverage opportunities. This type of agility allowed many businesses to survive the changes.

Search Intent Is Fluid

When we talk about search intent, we’re talking about the “why” behind the keywords used. Typically, the intent is broken down as follows:

Do: Where consumers want to go
Know: Where consumers are looking to get their information
Visit: A consumer looking for a physical address
Website: A consumer deciding where they want to take action
Successful SEO stresses the importance of having a firm understanding of intent. If you don’t have an understanding of it, you will have a slimmer chance of satisfying your user.

A Path Interactive study, for example, showed that search queries for AA Meetings were directed to In The Rooms and AA-intergroup websites with virtual meetings. Essentially, Google adjusted itself to the climate during the pandemic.

The SEO Community Will Grow

Many SEO agencies stepped up their games in 2020, offering support for the market and for their peers. Beyond providing information to those in need, many offered new roles and shared resumes. We saw the SEO community shift into an embracing community where people could lean on one another. Our only hope now is that this type of compassion is not a trend.

Our best recommendation is that you keep a close watch on SERPs and check to make sure that all SEO companies have websites that align with search intent.

Final Thoughts

SEO is rapidly changing and staying up-to-date with the changes can feel overwhelming. We recommend signing up with our newsletter subscription using the box above so that you can stay updated with all of the latest in SEO and digital marketing in Phoenix. Make sure to get in contact with us to learn more about what we can do for your business!

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