Make An Impact With TikTok This Black Friday

by | Nov 18, 2020 | Uncategorized

A Bit Of Brand History

Some of the first major brands to embrace TikTok included L’Oreal, Otto, Asos, and River Island. They created some of the most highly effective campaigns that the platform had seen at the time, which largely contributed to their sales.

If your brand isn’t already taking advantage of TikTok, you are missing out. Here are a few ways that you can make an impact during this year’s Black Friday:

Provide Exclusive Access To Special Offers

Walmart enlisted the help of Rebel Wilson, Terry Crews, and a wide variety of top celebrities when the company launched its #DealDropDance campaign this last year, which helps to generate a ton of buzz for special offers on Black Friday.

TikTok users who posted videos with the #DealDropDance hashtag was entered into sweepstakes to win a $100 Walmart gift card. The hashtag garnered more than 700 million impressions and over 2 billion hits. Earlier in November, GymShark hopped on TikTok to begin promoting massive discounts using its BigDealEnergy ads.

Make It Immediate

One big part of the TikTok experience for plenty of users is getting the inspiration to make large purchases. Those who value ease of commerce and great value are out to discover new promotions and deals.

TikTok users want to know about promotions as soon as they come out. To make sure users can search for your brand’s Black Friday content with ease, you want to make sure that you constantly update it and label it with the correct information.

Make sure to check out the organic, trending hashtags on TikTok to make sure that you amplify your brand’s message to as many consumers as possible. Here are a few to consider:

#ItsBlackFriday – 1.2 billion views

#BlackFriday  – 426 million views

#AmazonFinds – 3.7 billion views

Create Black Friday “Hacks”

Many consumers find that navigating the commerce world during Black Friday is a huge pain. There are TikTok users who have felt this pain and decided to create content to help users feeling overwhelmed to get the most value out of their purchases.

Brand and product inspiration is a massive part of the TikTok platform and the ‘For You’ page, along with creators, play a huge role in what consumers are looking at.

One great example that we often see is #Haul videos. In #Haul videos, TikTok creators present breakdowns and comparisons of various products to help TikTok users feel a bit more confident when they ultimately decide to make their purchase.

When it comes down to it, your best bet is to join in with the fun and exude a festive attitude with your brand. Brands that get out there and interact like genuine TikTok community members will find it far easier to connect with consumers.

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