Should You Create a Podcast For Branding?

by | Apr 30, 2021 | Uncategorized

Undeniable Podcast Growth

Social Media Today estimates that 132 million Americans are listening to podcasts in 2022. To give you an idea of how important that number is, in 2020, only 100 million Americans were listening to podcasts.

You don’t want to miss the boat. Having an accessible and easily digestible podcast can help increase your content discovery.

Create Traction By Creating Traffic

Business owners can use podcasts to create unique online audiences who want to hear conversations, advice, or tips & tricks tailored to their wants and needs.

With this type of content widely available through numerous streaming platforms, you can drive traffic to your business. There is no question that having multiple forms of content online can be beneficial. With podcasting, you simply create a different reach.

Think of podcasting as another marketing avenue to translate your website traffic into sales.

Building New Connections

In a limited face-to-face environment, it is important to create outlets where customers can feel connected to your business. With podcasting, you can build a community.

With this audio outlet, you can create conversations with customers and locals in your community. Listeners can suggest topics and you, as an industry expert, can provide answers to important questions that consumers have.

You build a bond with your audience on a remote platform and create a loyal customer base in the process.

Showcase Your Industry Authority

Whether you’re creating social media posts, blogs, or video content, your main goal should be to showcase your authority in your given industry. The reason people tune into industry-focused podcasts is that they hope to take away helpful information that would be difficult to find anywhere else.

Podcasts are excellent for engagement and entertainment value, though when a local business creates one, it creates a sense of authority. You are showing your current and potential customers that you have information worth sharing.

A coffee shop, for example, might start a podcast on coffee production or coffee beans from around the world, for example, showing their listeners that they are tuned into the industry.

People will eventually see that coffee shop as a trusted source for coffee information, which will likely translate into new business.

Final Thoughts – Should You Create a Podcast For Branding?

You don’t want to allow your business to miss out on this fast-growing opportunity.

There are so many things to love about podcasting, from the low barrier-to-entry to the massive potential reach. Make sure to consider what a podcast could do for your local business,

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